Unraveling the being through Ashtanga yoga – Elise Greenspoon
Nedelja, 10 junij • 09:30 - 14:00
Leonie de Dreu
Join authorized level 2 teacher Elise Greenspoon for an uplifting mysore style practice, followed by a light-hearted philosophy session as we explore the deeper levels of the ashtanga yoga system.

The Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga process is so much more than a physical exercise routine. It is a sacred science that has been around for thousands of years. Through dedicated and consistent practice, it has the power to unravel and heal our deepest wounds.

We may initially come to the practice to gain more strength or flexibly or perhaps learn how to bring a little relaxation into our lives. But it won’t be long before we discover there is a whole universe of exploration and understandings that will build fundamental strength and create graceful softness in every layer of our being.

Elise Greenspoon is a KPJAYI authorized level 2 Ashtanga instructor with over a decade of experience in yoga, Ayurveda and eastern philosophies. Elise immersed herself in the lineage of the Astanga yoga In Mysore, India. There she also learned past life regression therapy and many other healing techniques that she is still practicing and mastering today. Elise believes that the path of yoga can help to heal all of our sufferings and allow us to live to the peak of our potential as human beings. Caring deeply about the planet and raising awareness, she is always enthusiastic to share her knowledge and experience with people from all around the world.

9.30 – 11.00 Mysore class
12.00 – 14.00 Philosophy: unraveling the being through Ashtanga yoga, from the cells to the spirit

All levels are welcome.

Full workshop €30,-, single class €16,50