Domenica, 21 luglio • 19:30 - 21:00
Schipholweg 101k
Women's time has come now (It is women's time NOW!) to heal and reconnect with our true wisdom, we need to awake and take responsibility for our deep disappointments, hurts, pains and denials and allow the healing to take place. This inner healing is the healing of Humanity, we as women need to take the leap NOW, for the benefit of our self, our loved ones, our children and finally heal all of our relations, (and) to give back to humanity what has been lost.

Why do we need sisterhood now?
Women give birth to Life. All that is materialized in the world created by humans, is the creation of women because we allow it consciously and unconsciously. In that way, women are responsible for how planet earth is affected by our human kingdom. And by that, we have a role. Just like men have their own role. Only we (yes we do this ourselves:)) have been neglecting or true role, our true nature. That's why it's women time now, to heal what is preventing us from being who we truly are. When we step into that femininity, we automatically give space for men to do the same. We can start weaving this new reality cause we, women, are so near to true nature: our physical conditions, our moon cycle, remind us constantly that we are open and vulnerable, so we can love infinitely and with no conditions

Embracing this fact gives us freedom, strength and wisdom! Let's weave a new reality. Together. In sisterhood. Respecting all, loving all, including all men. We are opening the door for that.

About the circles
Every month the classes are connected to the theme of the month, in line with the moon. Most probably most of you will be connected with this time naturally. The wisdom of the moon themes come through Jamie Sams. She shares this in the book 'The 13 Orginal Clan Mothers'. Our intention is to create real sisterhood. A save community to share, be vulnerable, liberate pain and awaken the True woman that you are. We will come together in circle’s monthly, planned around the full moon. There are 13th moon cycles in a year and therefore 13 circles. There will be practices and time for sharing and connecting with other sisters.

We are looking forward to sharing and growing together!

The dates are, as much as possible, planned on a Sunday around the full moon.​

15 June
21 July
18 August
15 September
13 October
17 November
15 December