Level 2
Miércoles, 13 febrero • 18:15 - 19:45
Alexandra Jevstignjeva
Yoga helps me to become more present in my body and in the present moment. I like teaching because at the same time it helps me. In the class we create together an expanded present moment, relatively free of distraction where we can experience ourselves simply, without judgement.
(90 min.)
Basis houdingen worden verfijnd en onderling met elkaar in verband gebracht. Sirsasana (Hoofdstand), Handstand, Achteroverbuigingen en Pranayama worden in deze les geïntroduceerd.
De Level 1-2 les is het opstapje naar de Level 2 les en kun je volgen als je 6 maanden Level 1 les achter de rug hebt.
Basic poses are refined and interrelated. Sirsasana, Full arm balance, Backbends and Pranayama are introduced.
The Level 1-2 class is the step to Level 2. You can join it with 6 months of experience in a Level 1 class.