Level 1
Onsdag, 20 februar • 20:00 - 21:15
Alexandra Jevstignjeva
Yoga helps me to become more present in my body and in the present moment. I like teaching because at the same time it helps me. In the class we create together an expanded present moment, relatively free of distraction where we can experience ourselves simply, without judgement.
De basis houdingen worden aangeleerd en herhaald. Niet saai want ze worden telkens vanuit een andere invalshoek belicht. Het gebruik van props maakt het oefenen licht of juist enorm intens.
Of je nu jong of ouder bent, lenig of stram, fit of niet en mèt of zonder yoga-ervaring, iedereen kan meedoen.
Basic poses taught and repeated. The fun of it is that they’re looked at always from a different angle. Props make the practice light or sometimes enormeously intense. Young or older, souple or stiff, fit or not and with or without any yoga experience, everyone can join.